Ready to go global?

Tellus-Group visited the conference of automotive suppliers of Turkey

November 20, 2014 the conference ”Ready to go global? Opportunities for Turkish Automotive Suppliers in Germany, Russia and China” took place in Istanbul, Turkey.The conference was organized by Association of Turkish Automotive Suppliers and international law agency CMS.

Global expansion of the Turkish automotive supply sector, strategies on entering the market through joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, peculiarities of local law and cultural factor became the topics for keynote addresses and discussions.

Placing the production lines in the countries where end-consumers live is one of the latest global trends: in 2010 – 35%, in 2014 – 60% of manufacturing.

Regardless the tense in political and economic situation the conference gathered together considerable amount of Turkish automotive industry players. Despite the sanctions the interest in Russian market remains very high especially among automotive producers and suppliers, - noted Kaveh Taghnizadeh, Vice President of KMPG Istanbul.

Thomas Heidemann, Head of Automotive Group CMS Moscow, reported on Russian market highlighting incentive to enter the market. One of them is a low saturation of high quality components in the market and inability of Russian producers to meet the expectations of global companies. Moreover, Turkish construction companies operating in Russian market for a long time are reliable and going to facilitate the market entry step.

Michael Broese, CEO of Dürr Systems Russia, shared his experience of doing business in Russia paying attention to both legal framework and cultural issues. Be global, act local, - he suggests.

A preliminary agreement on futher cooperation between Tellus-Group and Association of Turkish Automotive Supplies was reached.




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