Tellus-Group starts constructing a slip road off the Murmansk highway

Tellus-Group starts constructing a slip road

Tellus-Group starts constructing of the junction of Kola Industrial Park traffic network to Kola highway, that provides a convenient connection to Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Ο In March 2016 Tellus-Group started the first stage of the junction of Kola Industrial Park traffic network to Kola highway: one-level connecting track, which provides a joining from the Park territory roads to Murmansk route. 30th June, 2016 is the construction completion date. At this stage the roundabout near Razmetelevo (7 km away) needs to be used for travelling to Saint-Petersburg.

Ο At the second stage constructing of local road in the Kola Industrial Park territory is planning, that will provide a connection to projected Sverdlovskoe urban settlement roadnet.

Ο At the third stage constructing of a two-level interchange to Kola highway is going to be completed, which will be the part of the projected federal highway «Koltushi – Novosaratovka» and improves traffic flow in all directions.

The first stage of constructing is going to be completed to 30th of June 2016.


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